M U L T I M E D I A   P O R T F O L I O

by Mark Anthony Hauck, M.Ed.

EDT500  Integrating Educational Technology for Effective Teaching and Learning

West Chester University

Summer 2019

W H O   A M    I  ?                  

Welcome to my portfolio! I believe you'll find many interesting things in it, as well as on the rest of my website. I have been teaching students of all age levels and abilities for 25 years. First I started teaching radio/TV/film productions classes at the post-secondary level on my first graduate degree (M.S. in Electronic Media). When terminal degrees were becoming a minimal requirement to keep a full-time faculty gig, I transitioned over to elementary ed, and finally, to special ed, where I've been for the last ten years. I then earned my second graduate degree (M.Ed. in Special Education). Here's my teaching C.V. Going back even further, I have always worked in either theater, TV, radio, or film production, at various times, and often, at the SAME time. This was the natural extension of being dominantly right brained/left handed. My spatial/visual, auditory, and verbal skills have always been my strongest talents. I also maintain a multimedia studio loaded with all the tools needed to create most anything I need to supplement instruction.


W H A T   I S   M Y   G O A L   O R   P U R P O S E   W I T H   T H I S   P O R T F O L I O ?

My priority interest is creating a safe and welcoming environment where my students feel comfortable to learn and build their social skills via peer interaction. I've learned from teaching students with disabilities that hands-on activities generate the most interest. These same students often become bored with traditional modes of instruction. Technology can be the key to maximizing their engagement and willingness to work cooperatively with their peers. It is essential that any teacher/facilitator model responsible usage and exhibit confidence with the technology. The latter can only be established via repeated practice prior to instruction. This portfolio builds upon my use of technology in the classroom over the past two decades. I am most always in a creative mood, so generating new content for EDT500 was a welcome opportunity. A big thanks to Dr. Chris Penny for teaching this course and reintroducing me to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards.